some thoughts about my work 

the Immutable one In the labyrinth 
whether she is a witch,
a sister
an unfunctional tool or a fluid wall/organization that dictates its laws to us
it is not redundant facts, but personal experience combined with inner essence
a multidimensional and unchangeable labyrinth. 

in the stream of world action there are unshakable dynamics and in their elusiveness
like the nucleus of an atom the hardest labyrinths inside
beyond the boundary of abstract changing corporeality
cognizable only under special circumstances

drawing as 
writing and not the presence of an original language
this language is neither elite nor academic
archaic images, Subjective images, Imperfect communication, Unofficial statement, Personal sign of life
creation of a myth
a holistic world
whole day
fragmented personality in the unity of action
searching for one's own identity as a decoding of the internal code+  incoming signals

looking for an informal dialogue outside politics of public policity and high-end art.